Low Carb Program one-year outcomes published in JMIR Diabetes

The one-year outcomes of the Low Carb Program were published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Internet Research today.
Outcomes of a Digitally Delivered Low-Carbohydrate Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Program: 1-Year Results of a Single-Arm Longitudinal Study, is available as an open-source paper, meaning that it is freely available to read.
The paper was led by Dr Laura R Saslow, PhD (Department of Health Behavior and Biological Sciences, School of Nursing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States); Charlotte Summers of DDM; James E Aikens, PhD (Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States); and David J Unwin FRCGP (Principal in General Practice, The Norwood Surgery, Southport, United Kingdom).
Of 743 participants who started the program with an HbA1c of 47.5 mmol/mol (6.5%) or above, 26.2% lowered their HbA1c while taking no glucose-lowering medication or just metformin. Among those taking at least one diabetes medication before the study, 40.4% reduced one of more of these drugs.
Ms Summers said of the review:
“I am so proud to see the impact of the Low Carb Program published for the world to see and it is really exciting to share the one-year outcomes.”
The Low Carb Program has won multiple awards since its inception and earlier this year received a CE Mark and QISMET approval to be delivered as structured education on the NHS.