Barts Health NHS Trust - Obesity Service

There has been a significant increase in obesity in the most deprived communities in England, with East London boroughs reporting the 2nd and 3rd highest rates of obesity in London.
Barts Health NHS Trust is the biggest Trust in London, and one of the largest in the country, serving 2.5 million people across East London. The obesity multidisciplinary team (MDT) sees up to 43 new patients and 228 follow-up patients each month, with referrals increasing year on year.
DDM Health was awarded investment to roll out Gro Health across Barts Health NHS Trust, as part of the NHSx Digital Health Partnership Award.
The objective of this project is to improve patient care, reduce waiting list times, be able to efficiently provide care, and provide support to self-management patients between appointments within Tier 3 and Tier 4 Weight Management Services at the Trust.
Real world data is available to the obesity MDT throughout the project, allowing for more productive appointments and better utilisation of clinical time.
Grounded in behaviour change psychology, the platform is offered to patients after referral into the weight management service. The Gro Health platform is used to deliver structured, personalised education, peer-to-peer support, 1:1 health coaching and remote home monitoring. This includes an introduction to the weight management service pathway, key roles and people involved within their multidisciplinary care.